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The Archives
March 20, 2025
On being fired in such a way that I couldn't do anything about it. Also, punching nazis, identifying cars, Echo now phones home, debunking pseudo-science, Maggie's link to cats in pants, and extraordinary Networking from Quinn.
March 11, 2025
What happens when we don't support education. Also, more Hatetris, the WoeMeter, a great civil rights montage on top of Oh Freedom!, Claude Malhuret unloads on the USA, Maggie's link to an incredible dress design and construction, and Ron Jeffries on the Politician's Dilemma.
March 4, 2025
What you get when you limit the pool of candidates. Also, the game Hatetris, playing with your shadow like a video game, a Dear New York letter, getting passers-by to dance, Maggie's links to Mythic Quest Season 3 Synopsis and an ASL performance of the Super Bowl halftime show, and how to get hired while underqualified.
February 25, 2025
Either work all out or really rest. Also, Dennis the Repressed Peasant, hold time set to a minimum of 15 minutes, removing Jeff Bezos from my bed, Katie Goodman's anthem for the ages, Jay Raynor's thoughts on food and eating, Maggie's link to Why Monkeys can only count to four, and downloading your Kindle books while you can.
February 18, 2025
The effect of the simple word "you". Also, 18 years of hanging valentines, banning red hair and freckles, watching a word spread, listening in on hockey, Jesse Owens and the might oak, Boston Mayor plays with the Pops, Maggie's link is fun and frivolous, and a new book from Natalia Panferova.
February 11, 2025
You can - but there are consequences. Also, should Denmark buy California, WB movies on YouTube, pause and take 9 seconds, the AMA providing medical alerts in the US, make 5 calls, Maggie's link to telling your cat 'I love you', and Matt Gemmell goes Back to Mac.
February 4, 2025
On not being so focused on where you're going that you don't see the person you're about to run over rightin front of you. Also, securing your phone, a reasonable look at unreasonable times, Super Bowl squares, Rope Face, Maggie's link to fan art, and the story behind one million checkboxes.
January 28, 2025
The game of Spades and talking about politics. Also, QuestLove's mix of 50 years of SNL music, the chip that powers Montreal subway tickets, a look at Hobby Horsing, Hacking Subaru, and decoding laundry tags. Maggie links to a Lunar New Year recipe and making information overload disappear.
January 21, 2024
My third word for 2025 is "Today." Also, as many happy little trees as you need, eight years of my childhood, steps for survival, the fourth branch, do not despair, Maggie's link to the first IQ test, and Adam Bell on McLarens and CarPlay.
January 14, 2024
My second word for 2025 is "Levers." Also an animated list of the top library titles from 2024, Liberal arts gave me the world, Terry Pratchett's Bominable snowman, a stimulation clicker, Maggie's link to a landscaper dispute, and Wil Wheaton on voices for reading books.
January 7, 2024
My first word for 2025 is "Distance." Also, squares and cubes, how to go viral, celebrating earthrise, ants in an escape room, kicking news addiction, Maggie's link to the Squid Game cast trying American foods, and James Thomson's story on working for Apple.
December 31, 2024
Taking a moment to look back before moving forward. Also, three words, two way decisions, who's unqualified, the Sherlock Holmes puppet, Maggie's link to on-stage cake tricks, and Soroush on accessibility.
December 24, 2024
When people push to be first. Also, making bulletproof material, new to the public domain, the news is too fast, stopping Spam, Maggie's link to SNL post production, and A Very Pilky Christmas.