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October 15, 2024

On voting for the love of being part of the process - not because of duty. Also, Comic Art against Project 2025, the Prince documentary you won't see, Truth Social users being scammed, Maggie's link to Tim Walz's rescue cat, and Cabel lives a full life.

October 8, 2024

On separating the art from the artist. Also, Steve's memorial, text versions of CNN and NPR sites, Springsteen's endorsement, stopping the vote, Maggie's link to the Temple marching band, and Vote Forward.

October 1, 2024

Thoughts on turning 65. Also, School House Rockin' about Project 2025, BBC Sound Effects, perfectly rolling shapes, Art Critics replaced by AI, Maggie's link to a Cheech and Chong interview, and Chris Eidhof on SwiftUI Animations.

September 24, 2024

On awareness of being different. Also, Here comes the sun, early Henson ads, Musk sued by Cards Against Humanity, the risk of SUVs, Maggie's link to postal cats, and your friend the system log.

September 17, 2024

The "you think that's bad" spiral. Also, the art of tarot, ultimate Brownlee, temporary storage, about those dogs, blood libel, Maggie's link to Purple Martins, and the 34th annual Ig Nobels.

September 10, 2024

Certification doesn't mean what we think it does. Also, Mac Sabbath, James Earl Jones, Writing a novel, Dynamicland, Maggie's link to the debate bingo card, and using EditorConfig files.

September 3, 2024

On simpler times where we showed up to places to bump into each other. Also, the invention of zero, Harris hats, Beatles archive, Landsat names, Maggie's link to an etiquette expert, and the pi clock.

August 27, 2024

On avoiding people who are mean, sarcastic, and condescending. Also, Burglars and Books, fun presidential polls, woke Superman, mask bans, Maggie's link to a dog groomer in action, and a talk from Laura Savino.

August 22, 2024

I've just released the first beta of my Swift Testing book with Chapters 1 and 2 of 4.

August 20, 2024

Eight years ago - personal and political. Also, two speeches from the DNC, Robert Reich says thank you, Road to nowhere, lessons from tree cutting, animated squares, Maggie's link to two Severance short videos, and Gus' Pizza calculator.

August 13, 2024

The effects of joy on us, them, and in-between. Also, my favorite line that never aired, Forget the Alamo, stuffed pasta, Maggies link to a dialog between two pigs, and Paul Hudson on Making mistakes while learning Swift.

August 6, 2024

The amount of effort that goes into an Olympic race that last seconds. Also, a link to my recent keynote at Swift Craft, Cow signs across Europe, having to pay for the time you are wrongfully imprisoned, playing table tennis against the pros, Maggie's link to the ear pulling competition and Savanah Bannanas all you can eat, and Brian Marick's essay on lenses.

Checking that what we entered is what got entered. Also, Steve's Hero's Journey, Masks help, Scientific American weighs in on Project 2025, Ron Jeffries on privilege, Maggie's link to an interview with USA women's Rugby player, and Matt on Non-Sendable types.

July 23, 2024

Computer languages as a metaphor for US Politics. Also, an outstanding cat video, Kareem on the upcoming US election, what kind of genius are you, Jobs on The Objects of our Life, Maggie's link to pencil sharpeners and Todd May's Mother Forkin' Morals.

The difference between sudden and certain. Also, Democracy on the ballot, World Latte Art Champion, Rotary Sheep, It wasn't me, Maggie's link to a Kendrick parody, and the Return-to-Office Tango.

July 15, 2024

A Swift Kickstart has been updated for Swift 6 and Xcode 16 and is available for 50% off.

July 9, 2024

Looking ahead at the books, apps, and conferences on my schedule the rest of this year. Also, AI Chatbots respond to spam calls, Snoop Frogg sings Gin and Juice, Snyder on Fascism and Fear, a bullet vending machine in grocery stores, Maggie's link to the history of frozen pizza, and links to upcoming conferences.

I tried to keep this essay light with the week democracy is having - Prince, Shaq - but somehow... Also, Sotomayor's dissent, the Inquirer urges a candidate to drop out, Springsteen on a lyric controversy, Dash on Prince, Maggie's link to the history of Video Games on The Simpsons, and Voorhees on AI regulation.

At the ballpark with Uncle Shady. Also, porchfest, fake jobs, I'll take Alex for 14.60, four colors, healthcare ransomware, Maggie's link to MLB's Baseball Savant, and Cristian links to WWDC resources.

June 18, 2024

Reconsidering a computer as a bicycle for your mind. Also, What's in it for me, the Jackie Robinson of LegoLand, what if 1 + 1 = 5, Missing Humanity, Maggie's link to accessing airport lounges, and Gruber's Talk Show Live.

June 11, 2024

Brew the next pot of coffee before you serve the last of it to the customers in front of you. Also, Sleeping Languages, Chicken of S#&!, Subverting Democracy, Fluffy pancakes, Maggie's link to Kitchen Nightmares, and sessions from this years WWDC.

Signing up for Medicare. Also, tasting like a flavor chemist, graphing a relationship, AI email from a friend, Maggie's link to Worm loves worm, and Matt Massicote's Intro to Isolation.

Revisiting "Many Rivers to Cross" from the White Cliffs of Dover. Also, Ken Burns chooses sides, more on Man or Bear, a percussionist loses his job, Everything awful promised in a Trump Second Term, Maggie's link to a coast to coast ride on Greyhound, and Kaggle's 20 Questions competition.

A talk about shipping apps quickly is really about something else. Also, Ron says accept the world as it is, the creator economy can't rely on Patreon, the Forged Apple Employee Badge, the meaning of zeugma, Maggie's link to JFK's last meal, and Majid with a throwback to an article on Background tasks in SwiftUI.

How fast a political climate can change when we're rooting for teams. Also, GPS tractors impacted by the northern lights, World bicycle relief, a beautiful recorder concert, Bumble engineers on working at scale, Maggie's link to holdable kitties, and how to use sound in your apps.

Repairing two toilets. Also, a lesson from "The Thin Man" on not getting worn down by lies, a year of listening to Bach, Emoji Art, No more f's to give, Maggie's link to pizza leftover tests, and Max Desiatov on Multi-Platform Libraries with Swift for WebAssembly.

April 30, 2024

Waiting a dozen hours is a lot selling a dozen books isn't. Also, censoring a Girl Scout, May 4 remembered, Student debt, escape from Noma, The Flipbook experiment, Maggie's link to painting the moon, and Joseph Heck on data-race safety.

April 29, 2024

Are macros for you? That's one of the mysteries we solve in "The Case of the Vanishing Bodies: An introduction to Swift Macros.Available today!

April 23, 2024

The true meaning of FOMO and some of its joy-filled alternatives. Also, do not reply cards, a $199 jump rope, some misinformation, a hacker talks to HR, Maggie's link to a final Rooster Teeth Halo game, and David Smith on developing an inclusive mindset.

April 16, 2024

Nostalgia and the challenge of a come back. Also, a great hockey save, Radcliffe to Rowling, is a cat a liquid, post-eclipse traffic, Maggie's link to a kitten video, and Doug Gregor's Swift for C++ Practitioners.

April 9, 2024

The difference between a total and a partial eclipse. Also, Amazon's Just Walk Out, Carlin's Dead and Loving It, a self-help guru advises that you do nothing, rat driven cars, eating like salmon, Maggie's link to a Better Call Saul review and Thomas Ricouard on Removing the M from MVVM.

April 5, 2024

Check out the beta release of my new book "The Case of the Vanishing Bodies" which is an introduction to Swift Macros.

A statue just gets up and leaves while a dropped book stays where it is. Also, Vincent online, is this a Christian nation, remembering Danny Kahneman, NASA wants you to help with the Eclipse, Maggie's link to what to look for in eclipse glasses, and Apple Developer is on YouTube.

March 19, 2024

A look back at the streaks I've kept this year. Also, a fun video explaining relativity, where toxic males come from, Shel Silverstein looks at AI before it's invented, What did we learn from COVID, Maggie's link to a floating cat sanctuary in Amsterdam, and Ben Cohen on NonCopyable Generics in Swift.

March 19, 2024

When are we done learning and what happens then? Also, context is everything, phsycists' five jokes, The Douglas Adams Papers, 12 Communication Traps, Maggie's link to Jet Lag in Switzerland, and Graham Lee on the YX problem.

Don't wait til it hurts to stretch. Also, man's first calendar was really woman's, girls team prevented from playoffs, play a board game with Terry, Mathtoons, Cory Doctorow's catalog, Maggie's link to every Scranton Strangler theory, and building games for the Playdate in Swift.

March 5, 2024

When it's time to delete an app. Also, planning for the solar eclipse, liberal arts, a conservative who actually is, instrumented mouth guards, Maggie's link to airline turbulence, and the ACM's Communications are now available.

February 27, 2024

What happens when we turn our tools into creatures. Also, a blind man reviews AVP, a distracted person films a marriage proposal, Adam looks at the R2-D2 Blueprint, an M&M machine is watching you, Subpar Parks posters, Maggie's link to two rabbits meeting, and Chris Eidhof's new SwiftUI Field Guide.

February 22, 2024

The something new is the release of my latest book, "The Mystery of the Mutating Mannequin", on DataFlow in SwiftUI from @State to SwiftData. The something old - on the eighteenth anniversary of the death of my youngest daughter, I invite you to read Dear Elena - a collection of my writings in that first year.

February 20, 2024

On why we do the kind little things that seem futile. Also, the Firehouse Five, mom's got a bike, another scam, the fine art of baloney detection, Maggie's link to Defunctland, and David Smith shows how to make an SF Symbol.

February 13, 2024

Thoughts after a demo of the Apple Vision Pro. Also, Pancake day, the 8 minute phone call, your Rock and Roll HOF ballot, my favorite valentine, Cory got scammed, when the tech bros come for me, Maggie's link to Bondi Rescue and Tjeerd asks what if your feature was a command line tool

The physics of chatting with someone. Also, the first beta of my DataFlow in SwiftUI book, saying "you too", a Lego sculpture of the Lake District, Sagan on socialism, discovering Prince, decline of the school bus, Maggie's link to Rugby squares, and Donny Wals on making mistakes harder.

January 30, 2024

My third word for 2024 is "ROS" - it's an acronym but fits in well with my other two words. Also, the Mathematics of Love, Snowplow names, the future of fake news, the world is designed against the elderly, Maggie's link to a weight-losing dog, and the Mac at 40.

January 23, 2024

My second word for 2024 is "Avails". I explain why. Also a Lego snowblower, a Suduko secret, the Pop Tart mascot, how criticism affects people, training yourself to always show up, Maggie's link to a cat lineup, and Glenn's write-up of "Shift Happens".

Three lessons I drew from watching my local football team lose on Saturday. Also, the Pythagorean theorem predates Pythagoras by a lot, a recipe formatter, The WELL's State of the World 2024, should I post this, Gordon Ramsey's last meal, Maggie's link to stitch, and more Lehrer in the public domain.

January 9, 2024

Taking a break in my three words to write about Words. Also, art that incorporates the frame and glass, AI denying insurance claims, rude audience behavior, a mesmerizing loop, the public domain, Maggie's link to a look back at 2023, and a draft of Leslie Lamport's book on concurrent programs.

January 2, 2024

My first word (of three) for 2024 is "Reconcile". Also the federal government's site for dad jokes, Michigan gets voter registration right, public storage, moving puzzles, Maggie's link to pig racing championships, and updates to my site.

December 26, 2023

Would you prefer to live back in the 1980s? Also, a (still) moving holiday ad, on keeping secrets, my music app is now updated, a story of a particular sound, nipping things in the bud early, Maggie's link to a classic commercial, and Sandi Metz: Nothing is Something.

December 19, 2023

Celebrating the long nights not the short days. Also, prepare your three words, Jonny Ive reads Steve's words, cycling fallacies, a writing secret, Maggie's link to "Dawn of the Nugget", and I've updated my free dough temperature calculator app.

December 12, 2023

Lighting menorah candles for this year's celebration. Also, your cat will eat almost anything, jazz music from quantum math, a great five minutes on AI, Penzys About Republicans, Maggie's link to Jet Lag season 8, and Apple open sources AI tools.

Life lessons from starting and feeding sourdough. Also, the opposite of déjà vu, another dress controversy, Duke library leaves basecamp, mowers and blowers, Maggie's link to a frog rescue operation, and Ben and Sebastian announce Kino.

November 28, 2023

On avoiding some holiday sales. Also, revisiting exposure guidelines, thoughts on the fantasy genre, Ice festivals inside and out, Maggie's link to a zoo keeper who maintains peace, and the UnitCurve.

November 21, 2023

Unintended consequences of a reliable test. Also, Sally Snowman kicks ass, adding 'for a man', Thanksgiving advice, the Natural Landscape photography awards, Maggie's link to a Canadian diver, and Staya on OpenAI.

November 14, 2023

Fairness must be adjustable. Also, the lights of Trafalgar Square, the history of earth, the case of Mr. Coyote, Maggie's links to questions teachers are asked and comments grandmas make, and where the term "cursor" comes from.

November 7, 2023

When choosing moments in time, take care not to focus too much onthe highlights and lowlights. Also, shooting spaghetti bullets, an old person in the McDonalds drive through, shot on an iPhone, heatpumps working in extreme cold. Maggie's link to a great prize for Eagles fans and David Smith on the position of the hour and minute hands.

October 31, 2023

A Halloween essay on a treat worth giving. Also, a deck of heroes, the benefits of chicken soup, advice on disruptive behaviors, the Whole Earth Catalog, Maggie's link to the FNAF trailer, and Paul Samuels on Parameter Packs.

October 24, 2023

Life lessons from learning to dance. Also, what's in that drink bottle you've ordered, the difficulties of talking about Israel, phone number scams, EPCOT 40 years ago, Maggie's link to her old marching band, and Tim Bray on privilege.

October 17, 2023

Two very different views of quiet quitting. Also, plotting and pantsing, Amazon Ring contacts police, a chatbot encourages a man to kill the Queen, we grow more progressive as we age, Maggie's link to visiting 1-star review restaurants, and unpacking empathy in user research.

October 10, 2023

Keeping track of the extra stuff we need. Also, Ford's Theatre tix, You can ask for help, a math reaction video, celebrating a SF bike protest, Christopher Columbus, Maggie's link to a rage thrower, and the economics Nobel and the gender pay gap.

October 3, 2023

A belated birthday post on the numerical significances of 64. Also, one of the most expensive substances, hiring more people, an invisible epidemic, the fighting Quakers, Maggie's link for my birthday, and iOS 17 Passwords new trick.

September 27, 2023

I'll be delivering three workshops over four days in London in November. Join me!