Swift Testing Beta 1

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I hope you're having a great summer.

My summer starts and then abruptly ends in June at WWDC. The updates announced at WWDC usually mean that I have to update my books and existing courses.

But every once in a while...every once in a while something grabs me that I don't want to marinate on for a while before offering a book or a course - I want to jump in right away and share it with you.

That how I feel about Swift Testing. I was an XP guy and was pretty happy with unit testing but I never cared for XCTest. It was awkward, I could never remember which flavor of XCTAssert to use, and it never completely worked well with async code.

Anyway, I've written a book that walks you through the basics of Swift Testing and am releasing the first two chapters today. You'll get chapter three next week and chapter four the week after that. And that's it - it's a short 300 page book.

It's another book in my detective series and this time I introduce another detective. Just as Edges and Swiftly are loosely modeled on Poirot and Hastings, the Agile Detective has a bit of Nero Wolfe in him. By the way, Edges was originally going to play the role of Archie when I first started playing with this conceit but magically morphed into more of a Poirot character.

Here's a link to the book https://editorscut.gumroad.com/l/testing

I hope you enjoy this book,
