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Here's a quick note about what I'm planning to do with book updates etc now that I'm back from Apple's WWDC with a head filled with ideas.

The short version is - I've begun work on a new book, I've got free updates planned for many of the existing books, and I'm creating video content.

The new book

"The Curious Case of the Mutating Model" features the return of Chamfered Edges and Captain Swiftly as they investigate the way in which data flows in SwiftUI apps.

The progression will be from data stored in a SwiftUI View to a separate Controller or View Model to a dedicated Data Store. In other words, we'll begin with the familiar uses of @State and @Binding before moving to @Observable and how it replaces @Published and friends. We'll finish with a look at the newly announced SwiftData.


The Curious Case of the Async Cafe will get an update to include some of the new additions to Swift and SwiftUI for AsyncStreams and @Observable as well as a look at Async Channels.

A Swift Kickstart will get minor updates and this will be its last update. Most of the recent additions to Swift have been amazing but not the topic for an introductory book. I may consider a book on these intermediate topics some time soon.

A SwiftUI Kickstart will get a medium update. Given that my new book is on data flow in SwiftUI, I won't belabor those topics but I'm likely to briefly cover them as well as NavigationStack and other improvements to the platform. We may be coming to the end of updates for this book.

A Combine Kickstart won't be updated except to note that, as much as I loved the technology, I can't recommend anyone adopt it at this point.

A Functional Programming Kickstart may get a light update to note the examples of map and friends in more Apple APIs to stress that I see these as design patterns.

A Bread Baking Kickstart will be updated. I took a class on the science of sourdough last year and developed some additional recipes and will be updating and refreshing this book. I've long wanted to write a companion app. We'll see how that goes.

Video Courses

I'm considering putting together video courses for concurrency, data flow, SwiftUI and more. The segments would feel a lot like the videos I'm experimenting with on YouTube such as this one.

I'd be interested to hear your opinions. What topics would you be interested in? These will be standalone classes and not a subscription. Feel free to send me email.

