SwiftUI Updates

« Updating SwiftUI

SwiftUI Rewrite Released »

I recently posted that I'd updated "A Swift Kickstart" and that the update was free to anyone that owned the second edition (which goes back more than four years with a bunch of free updates).

"A Swift Kickstart" is my book on the Swift language.

Unfortunately, my SwiftUI book has a similar name. This led to people asking about updates to the SwiftUI book. People were very nice but they wanted to know when it would be ready. And they wanted to know now.

I've been updating the SwiftUI book and there are a bunch of changes. The APIs have changed a bit but my understanding has changed a bunch. I'm doing a lot more rewriting than I anticipated but I have a hard deadline of needing to be done by the beginning of October for the PragProg release.

In the meantime, I've decided to release updates as I finish each chapter. I'm on target to finish the update by the first week of October. You'll find chapters 1 and 2 already posted on Gumroad.

If you own the book already these are free updates. If you don't own it yet, you can buy it on Gumroad and get the chapters as they are released. The book will also be available through Apple Books and the Pragmatic bookshelf when it is complete in a few weeks.